Blogging guidelines

Blogging guidelines

·         Identify yourself only by your first name and group, don´t write your surnames please.

·         Don’t reveal any personal information about yourself in your comments.

·         Blog entries will go through edit and revision before being posted.

·         Your comments will not appear right away, they have to be approved before they are included on the blog.

·         Check your comment for correct spelling, spacing and punctuation before you  submit it.

·         No “text talk”, write full sentences and words, please!

·         Be polite and respectful in your comments.

How to leave a comment

  1. Click on the heading of the post you wish to comment on.
  2. Scroll down until you can see the “Leave a Comment” section.
  3. You will be asked for your name and email address/website (email and website is optional and will not be published).
  4. You will also need to write the “spam word”.
  5. Click “submit comment”.

Some useful tips

·         Avoid losing your comment: before pressing “submit”, highlight all your text and copy it so that if you lose it for some reason you can just press paste and recover it.

·         If you want something to stand out, bold or italics is a better choice than writing it in  CAPITAL letters.

-          To make words italic, use this HTML code around the text


eg. I <i>love</i> blogging!

The text will look like this…

I love blogging!

-          To make text bold, use this HTML code around the text


eg. I <b>love</b> blogging!

The text will look like this…

I love blogging!

·         If you want to put a link or hyperlink in your comment, write the address of the web page or URL between inverted commas and the link word like this:

<a href=”url“>link word </a>

